Cotton duck fabric is another name for the canvas fabric


Cotton duck fabric is another name for the canvas fabric

Cotton duck fabric is another name for the canvas fabric

Cotton duck fabric is a very heavy material which has plain weave cotton threads and often called as canvas. It has its origins in 18th century textile markets and is commonly used for the manufacturing of outdoor items such as shoes and coverings. The word duck is derived from the Dutch word DOEK which means linen canvas and the duct tape, which is regarded for its durability, was originally fashioned from cotton duck with an applied adhesive. Duck is extremely rugged fabric capable to withstand the rough elements to a greater degree.

Duck Cotton is one of the most durable fabrics, lighter than traditional canvas but is so tightly woven that one can call it waterproof.  Fabrics are classified based on their weight and cotton duck is classified as no. 1 due to heavy weight and then it has many variation to lighter weight, the less weight canvas is used to manufacture tents, boat sails, aprons, industrial wear and sandbags, while the higher weight canvas is typically used for sneaker, shopping bags, hats and shower curtains.

Due to the heavy weight and relative lack of usable drape, canvas fabric’s usability in garments is typically restricted to outerwear. Then there are army duck cotton fabric which has unique specifications of superior durability and water proofed. As the duck fabric is made from cotton and has a tight weave which makes the product somewhat stiff but it is washable, and usually resists to the effects of wind and snag. It can be machine washable and dryable, and it can easily dye too. The fabric loses its stiffness over repeated washings and generally settles nicely into a more flexible yet still durable material.