Charm your Guests with the Colourful Napkins


Charm your Guests with the Colourful Napkins

Charm your Guests with Colourful Napkins

White napkins are considered elegant and stylish but they are not always a good table accessory. A white napkin on a formally arranged table will only look good if you have matched the color with cutlery and table ware. While white is the preferred color of choice for some, others like to experiment. Colourful napkins are gaining popularity and can help you in enhancing table décor.

It is important to introduce colours in your napkins as white gets boring. Your guests may not talk about it but they will question your aesthetic sense if they do not see any colors on your table. White does not go well with all types of table décor. A semi-formal dinner with exquisite cuisine and eclectic table ware requires a variety in napkins as well. You can use red napkins with black china. This will create a scintillating contrast and enhance the ambience of the table. A embellished black napkin will go well with white china. You can also use multi-coloured napkins with the table ware.

The best way of finding the right colour for your napkins is to keep the event in mind. You will need a set of plain white and coloured napkins for different occasions. You can use a mix of white and colourful napkins in a formal dinner. For semi-formal events, you are free to use as many colours and patterns as you want. The only thing you need to be cautious about is the contrast with the cutlery and table ware. It would be a mistake to introduce many colours on a table that requires understated elegance.

It is time to buy some colourful napkins if your collection comprises entirely of white. You will be surprised by the possibilities as colourful napkins will open new avenues of table décor for you.