Organic Cotton products benefit users, farmers and the environment


Organic Cotton products benefit users, farmers and the environment

Even though it costs more to produce organic cotton products at the same time world is not fully facilitated to meet the demand.  This article is to create little awareness that chemical pollution in our home is like a silent epidemic and recent research is revealing the extent of chemicals in our living environment which we ignore most of the time. Studies have found that most of it is absorb into our body and is present in our blood and accumulated in our body fat storage. There is no double the best strategy should be to avoid as much as you can use of non organic products whether wearing or eating. If one cares for his or her health and the environment for the coming years, then we should go for organic stuff.

Note that organic farming emits lot less amount of carbon dioxide produced by chemical methods, their soil is more fertile but they need more man power to handle the job. Hiring more staff to do the work increases the production cost.  In Asian and African countries where some farmers are growing organic cotton it is not an issue as they have lot of family workers to take care and it full fills their desire of not to deal with chemicals.  Having strict organic standards that do not involve the use of chemicals and pesticides in the growing stage means a healthier work environment for the farmers. Organic Cotton requires some technical skills to cultivate as compared to the cotton grown using fertilizers and insecticides. As seeds can’t be treated with pesticides, organic cotton is particularly difficult to grow in areas vulnerable to soil diseases. Organic Cotton farmers need to source organically grown cotton seed to start with, they are untreated and non genetically modified seeds which produce cotton and the rest of the process is same until the finished products but no artificial synthetic element should touch the cotton throughout the process.

Due to awareness by the media, many are selecting organic cotton textile products for their use, they are bit expensive but some people think about for the generation ahead as well as their health at the moment.  The idea is very simple; less use of chemicals is good for the environment as well as for our health, so grow organic cotton as it benefits users, farmers and the environment.