Christmas fabric in high demand for Christmas decor



Are you ready for Christmas this year, of course! We all enjoy the festive season and the celebration goes on until the beginning of New Year.  You look anywhere during the season, you will find items made with Christmas fabrics, from modern to traditional, simple to complex, stocking and decorations, there is an endless list.

Christmas is not far away and I though it may be the best time to write a small article about Christmas fabrics. The decoration manufacturing industry buy their fabric stock mid-year and design products like Christmas quilt, apparel, etc. They have to produce all decor and stocking by October so that supply is guaranteed to shops. It’s a multi million dollar industry and millions of yards fabric is produced for it throughout the year in various parts of the world.

For the weaving mills, it’s an opportunity to make millions, without their production, it may be difficult to create the happy and harmonious atmosphere in December. Various fabric designs bring different feeling and pleasure to our eyes. The bring colours, red and green themes give warm feeling to Christmas lovers. No doubt, the Christmas fabric is a big contributor in bringing out the spirit of Christmas.

Why restrict our self with just green and red. Stores have already rolled out mound of red and green holiday decorations but Christmas does not have to be always red and green. Try adding more colours, try experimenting with alternative colour combinations to impress your guests and send your comments with pictures to share.

Helen Roberto is a freelance writer and loves to participate in discussion of textile industry globally. In her spare time, she works as an admin to maintain this blog and few others. Her knowledge on the subject has benefited many associated to home textile manufacturing and marketing.