Emerging trends in student dressing, college fashion trends


Student dressing is often the precursor to modern fashion trends. College students create new trends in design and couture and this spills over to general population. It is thus always a good idea to keep an eye on the recent student fashion as it will most likely become a mainstream trend in the coming months and years.

A pair of jeans and a tee shirt or a tank top defines the most popular student dress. It has been in vogue for years and is likely to stay at the top in the coming years. Tank tops and tee shirts are usually made of cotton and variants. In recent years, other fabrics have also been used in making shirts and tops. Polyester and synthetic fibres are increasingly being used to add new design features. Others still rely on cotton but add a synthetic feature such as a floral pattern made of netting or words inscribed on cotton shirts from nylon or synthetic threads.

Many female students still prefer to wear pants and skirts and try to introduce new cuts and designs. You will find two main design variations in skirts along with the regular cuts. Frill skirts are gaining popularity among students though their length is a bit larger than average. A silk or polyester layer is added onto a base of cotton to create frills in these skirts. The second type of skirts takes inspiration from Victorian dresses though they are not as expansive.

Along with jeans and tee shirts, some male students like to wear shorts or trousers. Some create a semi-casual look by wearing a dress shirt over a khaki short along with a leather belt. Others go for more formal attire with Bermuda shorts and cotton tops.

The best thing about student dressing is that it is highly economical. Students do not want to spend excessive amounts of money on their dress but still desire to look elegant. Others can take many fashion trends and tips from the student fashion.

Helen Roberto is a freelance writer and loves to participate in discussion of textile industry globally. In her spare time, she works as an admin to maintain this blog and few others. Her knowledge on the subject has benefited many associated to home textile manufacturing and marketing.