Kitchen Towels, keep them clean and odour free


Don’t you wish every time you use kitchen you must have a nice clean towel, germs free with a nice fragrance.  That’s right thinking for a healthy lifestyle and it’s not so difficult to have it.  Kitchen towels are exposed to all kinds of food and liquids because we wipe off our hands when we cook something in our homes. All of these different items combined on one towel would no doubt also lead to mildew growth. Therefore it is recommended to replace kitchen towels daily, have them in stock and make you stay in kitchen pleasant. When doing laundry, wash them separately, there are several ways to remove the odour from your towels and dishcloths.

One easy way is to buy the Smelly Washer from super markets or they are available online and can be used to remove odour from both your clothing as well as the washing machine. At the same time, the use of vinegar, baking soda and laundry detergent can make a difference.  Just wash them as you do ordinary laundry of clothes but instead of add laundry detergent, add equal amount of borax and baking soda. Then let the rest of process be same as wash, rinse and dryer.  If you don’t have a dryer, just hang them straight in open air for natural dry, don’t let them stay crumpled up even in your kitchen after use, just hang them to give them a chance to keep the air circulating through them.

Bleach is another tool for this mission because it kills bacteria which cause smell.  Bleach kills germs but you have to be careful, don’t use bleach on coloured towels, there are bleach available in market for this purpose. When using, be careful of the quantity of bleach you pour in, too much bleach will kill all germs but may leave it own smell in the towel.  When doing laundry for kitchen towels, allow washer to agitate for a few minutes to thoroughly mix the bleach in with water before you put towels in.  Pouring bleach direct on towels is not a good idea, mix with water if you have a machine where load has to be in to turn it on.

One interesting discovery is that shops which sell hunting stuff, they carry special detergents designed to remove food odour from the laundry so that animals are not aware of the hunter’s presence.  If one is so bothered by the smell, try those soaps to remove unwanted smells from laundry.  Kitchen towels get old quickly so replace them after few months use.